Pet Care During a Weather Emergency: Weathering the Storm
When a weather emergency hits, it will be a chaotic time and your pet may panic. Small pets, such as reptiles, birds, gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs, should be safely secured in appropriate crates, tanks or cages until the emergency is over. For larger pets, including cats and dogs…
Keep their license firmly attached.
During the emergency, your pet should always be wearing their license and your contact information. Pets may panic in bad weather, and could easily find a way to escape and run off, unable to find their way home because of floods, different smells or blocked routes.
Stay in control of your pet at all times.
To minimize the risk of your pet escaping, keep control of them at all times. If going outside for a brief walk is essential, always use a strong leash, even in a fenced yard – if a section of the fence is broken or missing, your pet could escape before you know it. If possible, keep your pet safe in a crate or carrier, which will help if an evacuation is necessary.
Consider emergency boarding.
Some pet boarding or rescue facilities may offer emergency services, particularly in evacuation areas if pets are not allowed at standard emergency shelters. When dropping your pet off at the facility, be sure they have proper identification and everything needed for their safety and comfort until you can pick them up.
Stay in a secure room away from distractions.
If the severe weather includes loud noises, such as thunder or heavy rain, place your pet in an interior room of your home, and consider adding a small fan or low volume radio for white noise to help block out sudden, unexpected sounds that can startle or panic your pet. A comfortable space with familiar things, such as a favorite bed or toy, can help calm your pet.