Friday, March 4, 2016

Micro Chipping Facts

It is a sad fact that hundreds of dogs go missing every year and are found, rather bedraggled but perfectly healthy, handed into the local animal shelter which then searches desperately for the animal’s owner to no avail. In some cases the dogs are even euthanized. Many of these fine canines had been equipped with dog identification tags or collars but with so much time astray from their owners such collars had often slipped off or, agonizingly, the writing had become illegible. In a recent study involving over 7,700 stray pets, the number of non-microchipped dogs that were safely returned to their owners was just under 22%.
Very few dog owners would wish that their chances of finding their beloved lost pet were as low as one in five. As such, the solution that many have turned to is to have a microchip injected into their scampering young member of the family in order to raise these meager odds.